Benefits of Body Focused Therapy
Frequently asked questions: How is Body-focused psychotherapy different than talk therapy? We can have great insights and understand...
The Stories We Make Up
Have you ever noticed how we humans tend to make up stories without checking out the facts? We start doing this when we are very young. ...
There Is Only ONE!
I tune in each day to THE ONE inside of me. I ask THE ONE for healing, guidance, love and comfort and I receive amazing gifts and...
The Energy Of Emotions
We are all emotional beings, and we are meant to experience and express a full range of different emotions. Yet most of us have not been...
Are Your Parts Running Your Life?
In order for our ego to become healthy and become an integrated part of our essential self, it has to be attended to. The egoic self is...
At The Heart Of Addiction
I was honored to have this article published December 11, 2014 in a massage manual: The Ariana Institute Advanced Massage Therapy...